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YOU MUST make an Identity Shift if You Want Confidence.

There are two versions of you. There is the “Same ole same, old you” and the real you that is buried deep inside of you.

The current version of you is created by your past experiences and current belief models.

The real, authentic version of you is the person you choose to become.

The identity shift is a technique of shifting from a part of yourself that remains stuck in self-sabotage into the real authentic version of you.

To build an authentic bespoke personal brand one must go through an identity shift that involves working on, healing, and crafting each of the 10 different pillars that make up a person’s complete identity. This is the nucleus of your personal brand.

You can either build a nice pretty package around the version that you currently are that is stuck struggling for clarity and has low standards or you can build a bespoke personal brand that is built around the highest version of yourself.

A simple yet profound question I ask my clients is…

…what is the $50 million dollar version of you doing right now.

How is that version of you waking up and making decisions to maintain this $50 million version of themselves?

Now is the time to build the foundation that is essentially going to be the version of you that you desire to be every day you wake up.


  1. I want you to pull out a piece of paper and ask yourself what is the $50 million version of you doing right now about whatever situation that is stressing you out.
  2. Ask yourself: Are they being patient or are they making excuses or or they simply ignoring it?
  3. Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper and on the left side right down how you are handling this situation currently.
  4. On the right side write down if you had 50 million dollars what would you be doing differently.
  5. Now you might say well if I had $50 million I wouldn’t have this problem but you would still have problems because it is not about the money but rather the habits and choices you make about the problem that is stressing you out currently.

Why does this matter to building your bespoke personal brand that actually performs?

It will require a completely different version of you to get to where you want to be in life personally and professionally.

It matters because you must become the highest version of yourself and your habits and your rules dictate the quality of your reputation.

The version of you that is stuck is more than likely making decisions out of fear hesitating to take action. The version of you that is crushing it isn’t hesitating because they know what they want, why they want it and are going after it.

Discover where you’re really at. Visit and schedule a 15-minute discovery call to see how you can unlock your confidence.

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